Monday, May 18, 2009


2/4/2009 - In today's lesson, I learned about the steps on how to make a report on "Live Jazz performance".

21/4/2009 -
Today, I was asked to make a blog for my music reflections and it will be due on the next week. I also learn how to make a blog by using

28/4/2009 -
Today, I learned about the inversion of 7th chord. I haven't learned this topic before, and because of that I found some difficulties at first. But after I listened to my teacher's explanations, I finally understand it completely. And in the instrument class, I rehearsed with my group for the group performance assessment.

7/5/2009 -
Today in music class, I made a reflection of my solo performance. And then the teacher checked my homework on the inversion. And I also did an exercise about the inversion. We didn't have any instrument class today.

14/5/2009 -
The first thing that I did in today's music class was watching Rodrigo's group performing "Fly Me to the Moon" for their make up assessment. And then I went to the instrument class until lunch time. After the lunch's over, I watched a video of a talented 6 year old girl that is incredibly talented in playing the piano, and I was amazed. She also composed a song for her teacher.

19/5/2009 - This reflection is all about the activities that I've done in term 4. I've done some several tasks this term, such as performing a jazz song with my group. I performed the song "Fly me to the Moon". I played the guitar of that song. I my performance was satisfactory and I still think that I can do better than that with more practice and by being more serious. And for the theory, I learned about the 7th chord inversion.

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